

For latest snapshot use

libraryDependencies += "com.bbrownsound" % "macros" % "1.0.3-SNAPSHOT"

And for the latest stable release use

libraryDependencies += "com.bbrownsound" % "macros" % "1.0.2"

For ease of useability, this project is cross compiled against 2.11.12, 2.12.8, 2.13.4

ProcessTimer Usage

The ProcessTimer annotation can be used to log runtime information about a method

import com.bbrownsound.macros._

def testMethod[String]: Double = {
  val x = 2.0 + 2.0
  Math.pow(x, x)

def methodWithArguments(a: Double, b: Double) = {
  val c = Math.pow(a, b)
  c > a + b

def longRunning(n: Int) = {
  for (i <- 0 until n) yield Math.pow(i, i)

StringObfuscation Usage

The StringObfuscation annotation can be used to obfuscate sensitive values by overwriting the toString method

import com.bbrownsound.macros.ToStringObfuscate

@ToStringObfuscate("password", "pinCode")
case class TestPassword(name: String, username: String, password: String, pinCode: String)

case class TestCreditCard(cardNumber: String, cvv: Int, endDate: String)

case class UserPassword(username: String, password: String)

@ToStringObfuscate("password", "pinCode")
case class TestUser(username: String, password: String, pinCode: Long)

case class NestedExample(user: TestUser)

Debug Usage

The Debug annotation can be used to println debug a given line of code without needing to litter printlns

import com.bbrownsound.macros.Debug
import com.bbrownsound.macros.ToStringObfuscate
import java.util.UUID

@Debug val pinCode = UUID.randomUUID().toString
// [] pinCode - de949d1d-afda-4c78-b6c0-dfb5f5f3d80a
// pinCode: String = "de949d1d-afda-4c78-b6c0-dfb5f5f3d80a"
//[com.bbrownsound.examples.ObfuscateSpec:19] pinCode - 2f7ab2f6-9795-433d-9744-46382754e101

@Debug val obfuscatedInstance = TestPassword(
  name = "name",
  username = "username",
  password = "password",
  pinCode = pinCode
// [] obfuscatedInstance - TestPassword(name,username,********,************************************,repl.MdocSession$App@766df06b)
// obfuscatedInstance: TestPassword = TestPassword(
//   "name",
//   "username",
//   "password",
//   "de949d1d-afda-4c78-b6c0-dfb5f5f3d80a"
// )
//[com.bbrownsound.examples.ObfuscateSpec:21] obfuscatedInstance - TestPassword&#40;a3e79549-13bf-41c8-8984-4962f3038abe,738699be-4a96-442c-a2e2-b60b0e785f8f,************************************,************************************

def foo(x: Int): Int = x * x

val t: Int = foo(36)
// [] t - 1296
// t: Int = 1296